Let's all take a deep breath and sigh~

The sun is shining and the blue sky is breathtaking. We are coming to the end of the winter season and beginning to transition into spring. I know there will still be cold days and possible snow, but can you feel the shift? It amazes me that the last time I wrote to you it was a 'winter wonderland' and now today the sun is shining and it feels like a new season is approaching. It's times like these that I really enjoy living here. We can enjoy the cold and snow, then embrace the sun and green grass. These times of transition bring me into a place of appreciation and reflection.
Appreciation for these shifts of energy around me, appreciation for the beauty of snow that is melting, appreciation for the sun and it's warmth even on cold days, appreciation for mindfulness practices, appreciation of my life and it's hidden beauty......what are you appreciating?
I then take a moment of reflection. Reflection of the season that is ending, reflection of snuggling on the couch with a good book and cup of tea, reflection on the quietness of the snowy days, reflection on the holidays and all the differences and shifts we had to embrace along the way........what are you reflecting?
If you wish you can take a few minutes to journal on what you are appreciating and reflecting on. This can be a beautiful way to reconnect and ease through these transitions gracefully.